The regulator has been probing registered investment advisors over how they’ve been offering crypto custody...
After a torrid 2022 that saw it sell off its flagship mining facility, Argo Blockchain’s...
The lawsuit escalates a months-long dispute between the crypto miner and one of its energy...
The chair of the Financial Services Subcommittee on Digital Assets wants to make America the...
Crypto blogger Tiffany Fong has shared documents she claims to have obtained in late December...
The UK financial watchdog has received 300 crypto firm registration applications but has approved only...
Commodity Futures Trading Commission Kristin Johnson wants to protect customers in a way that reduces...
A newly introduced resolution could potentially see lawmakers buying sodas and chips using crypto-supporting vending...
NFT trademark filings by companies aren’t just a marketing stunt. According to a trademark lawyer,...
Our weekly roundup of news from East Asia curates the industry’s most important developments. Bithumb...