The Multichain saga includes secret arrests, a suspicious exploit, and one man allegedly in control...
Gensler was asked about the Ripple decision twice shortly after the ruling, and his main...
As investor’s euphoria over Bitcoin subsides, regulatory and macroeconomic headwinds resurface to negatively impact BTC...
Former CFTC chair Timothy Massad said he thought it was unlikely the SEC and CFTC...
Ripple Labs scored a partial victory in its lengthy legal battle with the United States...
However, Ethereum saw outflows in the amount of $2 million and remains the asset with...
XRP gained 1% over Bitcoin in volume between June 17 and July 17, with U.S....
Judge Analisa Torres has sent the remaining issues in the SEC v. Ripple case to...
Bitcoin bulls have failed to step in, increasing the chance for a retest of the...
The crypto exchange reportedly stopped offering reimbursement to employees for certain expenses including use of...