FTX’s bankruptcy filings show a $543 million loan to former engineering director Nishad Singh, who...
Axie Infinity, Chiliz and Decentraland will be represented in CME’s new reference rates and real-time...
Over $1.40 billion worth of stolen DeFi funds was reportedly laundered via Tornado Cash during...
Genesis announced in August that it planned to cut its then 260-person workforce by 20%,...
ECB board member Fabio Panetta has woven his enthusiasm for blockchain technology and skepticism of...
Senator Debbie Stabenow was one of the lawmakers behind introducing the Digital Commodities Consumer Protection...
Join us as we discuss what 2023 holds for crypto. Hosting the show will be...
3AC founders Zhu Su and Kyle Davies have been ordered to provide all documents in...
A number of challenges must be overcome in order for “phygital” NFT projects to gain...
Alex Mashinsky’s actions leading up to Celsius declaring bankruptcy allegedly contributed to investor losses by...